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2024 Weekly Planner Rundown

Flashback to the 2019 new year. You'll find me trimester 2 pregnant, with a rough sketch of a weekly planner laid out across incredibly old printer paper with the column of little holes on the perforated edges. A quick google search tells me this is called "continuous form paper sheet." Where I got this paper is a mystery. Nonetheless, it holds the first dream of a planner company whose name won't come until a year later. 

Weekly Planner

This is the sketch of the weekly planner. It came from a deep need of a planner that would have served me when I was in the depth of a terminal parental illness, new motherhood, demanding corporate job, and moving twice within the first year of my daughter's little life. 

I'd consider the weekly planner the flagship of Sprouted Planner. Not only has it been the best selling, it's highly raved about by the people who have taken the chance on it. They love the more unique design of having the entire horizontal week on one page, and the other page devoted to tasks, lists, reflection, and open space for whatever the week throws at them. 

Not much has changed from the original design (fun fact: I first designed it in the software Microsoft Publisher, because I didn't know any different). That's including this year, where only 2 little tweaks were made on the weekly spread.


Weekly Planner

Weekly Planner

Weekly Planner

Weekly Planner

Weekly Planner

Weekly Planner

Weekly Planner

Weekly Planner

Weekly Features

 Beginning pages

The beginning prep pages remain the same across the weekly planners, hourly planners, and daily planners. Well, the daily is the slightest bit different since it's split into 2, but I digress. 

Flipping through the beginning pages, you have: 

  • Welcome letter
  • How to use the planner
  • Values
  • People
  • Reminders
  • Year List
  • Hopes for the year
  • 2024 year-at-a-glance + holidays & observations
  • Year tracker/planner
  • 2025 months + calendar at-a-glance
  • 2 dot grid pages
  • 2 lined pages

Be sure to checkout the accessories section below for the snap-in bookmarks you can use for easy access to any of these front pages. 

Monthly Spread

The monthly spread also remains the same across the 3 main planners: hourly, daily, and weekly. I go into more details of the monthly layout on the 2024 Daily Sprouted Planner blog post, but here's the quick specs: 

  • Full month views (Sunday – Saturday) with lined boxes
  • Small reminders list to reference prep pages (Values, People, Reminders, Year List)
  • 9x36 Grid in front of the calendar
  • 10 to-do spaces with checkboxes, split into 2 columns of 5
  • Dot grid space

Weekly Planner

Weekly Layout

Here she is, Miss Weekly Layout *insert crown and heavily practiced fancy wave*

On the left-hand page

  • Blank box below date for weekly intentinon
  • Monday - Sunday horizontal boxes for weekly schedule
  • Each day has:
    • a box with the date, with space underneath for anything notable (I put birthdays and my dinner plan here)
    • 4 lines for your schedule
    • 3 checkboxes for day-specifics (top 3, meal plan, gratitude, etc.)

On the right-hand page

  • Two columns of 10 to-do checkboxes (20 total)
  • 10x16 grid space for lists or tracking
  • Blank space for notes or decorating
  • Dot grid box at the bottom for weekly reflection

Weekly Planner

This layout works well for people who don't have a fairly consistent or repetitive schedule, who don't need a lot of space for their schedule. 

It also works well for those whose brains naturally think of their to-do list by week.

As a weekly user myself, I love breaking out my tasks into personal and business, and not being committed to getting any one task done on a certain day. When I'm feeling extra productive, I'll use the 3 checkboxes on the schedule side for my Top 3 things I want to accomplish that day. 


There are 3 designated spaces for reflection in the weekly planner:

  • Space at the end of each weekly spread (unlabeled)
  • Monthly reflection questions, designed to easily tear-out at year end for safekeeping
  • Year-end reflection questions

The monthly reflection questions consists of some repeated questions, and two that change every month. The two that change tie into the loose theme of the month, which is tied into the monthly quote on the monthly spread. 

Weekly Planner

Back Pages

Just like the hourly planner, the weekly planner could almost double as a notebook with all the lined pages in the back. As a mix up, the last 11 pages are dot grid. 

  • 48 lined pages
  • 11 dot grid pages

Weekly Planner


Each weekly planner comes with two extra goodies:

  • 1 snap-in bookmark 
  • 1 sticker page

Psst...the sticker page is a great preview into the sticker book, which is new to the accessories lineup this year. 

Weekly PlannerAccessories

My next blog post will be the full view of all the 2024 accessories, but it's been fun doing a little preview of them in each planner blog. 

Snap-in Bookmark Trio

Over the years, people have requested extra bookmarks be made available to mark the front pages (Values, People, Reminders, etc.). These little bookmarks are the perfect way to do it! 

They come in a 3-pack featuring the 3 cover designs, so you can mix-and-match. They are available for the weekly planners (with the wire-o binding), and the daily planners (with the spiral binding). 

Weekly Planner

Monthly Planner

You bet these are back! I freaking love these little guys. They are the perfect companion for any of the planners, or as a stand-alone planner if that's all you need. 

TBH, these are more 'planner' than 'accessory' but we'll keep it here for now.

Personally, I use mine for content planning. I have also heard they are great for meal planning. Even as a separate medical calendar. Mood & cycle tracker. The possibilities! 

 Here's the details of these puppies:

  • Size 6x8 inches
  • Sturdy coated cover
  • Cover options are the same as the 3 planner options 
  • Sewn binding
  • Rounds corners
  • Front Pages:
    • 2024 calendars & holidays
    • 3 different unique spaces laid out for planning, tracking, etc.
    • 2025 calendar + months with blank grids to future plan
    • 2 dot-grid pages
    • 2 lined pages
  • 2-lined pages in-between each month (with a vertical line on the far-left side margin, which could easily be part of a checklist
  • 7 lined pages in back

Weekly Planner


I'm a firm believer that you can't have too many journals around. They are just something special to write in. Plus, they make great gifts. I'm pleased to offer a traditional journal this year. There are two covers options to choose from. 

  • Hardboard cover with rounded corners
  • 6.5 x 8.5 inches, 3/4 inch thick
  • 192 lines pages (96 sheets of paper)
  • 80 lb paper
  • smyth-sewn (lays flat)
  • 1 ribbon

Simple, beautiful, traditional.

Weekly Planner

Square Notepads

Looks at these cuties! The initial plan was to offer only one square notepad, the end. Then Karla Pamanes (my designer extraordinaire) came back with these two designs and I was sold. 

  • 4 x 4 inches
  • 250 sheets
  • 80 lb paper

Weekly Planner

I'm already using them to put notes in my daughter's lunch. 

 Good Stuff, Right?

If someone asks me what kind of planner they should give as a gift, or get themselves (if they're new to this whole planner thing), I always tell them to get the weekly planner! The weekly Sprouted Planners are especially low-key but meaningful. There's a reason they are so well loved. 

Weekly Planner

2024 Planners launch September 19th! 
