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2024 Hourly Planner Rundown

If the Daily and Weekly Sprouted Planner had a baby, the Hourly Sprouted Planner would be it. 

*Cue baby voice: who's a cute hourly planner? You are!*

It simply felt like there a gap in the planner lineup - something was missing between the weekly and daily planner. 

Hourly Planner

When I worked as a worky person in a corporate setting, I lived and died by my Outlook calendar. First thing I'd do is pull up my calendar and see what my meetings were, and where I'd have sweet, sweet free space to actually work (novel concept in business). 

This style of layout is what was missing from the planner lineup. 

My first attempt at the hourly planner wasn't exactly successful. It was for the 2022-2023 academic launch. I blame a few things on this, but a big part of it may have been the different layout. You had to turn the planner vertical to plan your weeks. 

Personally, I loved it. It allowed me to incorporate all the elements I wanted in an hourly: Full Monday-Sunday non-split view, daily space, 2 columns of to-dos, blank space, and reflection space, all in an A5 size. 

Hourly Planner

This time around, I redesigned it for a more traditional view. I had the make it a little longer to accommodate the size, but I'm very pleased with the turn out.


Hourly Planner

Hourly Planner

The cover material is the same as the daily and weekly planners: hardbound and sturdy.

Hourly PlannerHourly Planner

Hourly Planner

Hourly Planner

Hourly Planner

Hourly Features

Beginning Pages

The beginning prep pages remain the same across the hourly planners, weekly planners, and daily planners. 

They go like this: 

  • Welcome letter
    A love letter from yours truly.

  • How to use the planner
    Hint: there's no right way. Whatever way works for you. With that said, I explain the way and intent of the design. 

  • Values
    The importance of identifying your core values and developing intentions around those. 

  • People
    Listing out your closest people and your intentions of how you'll nourish those relationships. 

  • Reminders
    For everything you don't want to commit inside your planner yet. Or perhaps you use it as a project planner. Or some sort of seasonal or monthly tracker. The possibilities! 

  • Year List
    The list of things you want to do, see, experience, and/or feel within the year.

  • Hopes for the year
    A journaling prompt for what your hopes are for the year ahead. 

  • 2024 year-at-a-glance + holidays & observations
    Your standard list of months & [by no means extensive or all encompassing] holidays & observations. 

  • Year tracker/planner
    By request, a unique yearly view to plan or track whatever you want. 

  • 2025 months + calendar at-a-glance
    Your placeholder until you get & move into your 2025 calendar. 

Hourly Planner

  • Dot grid pages
    Two pages of glorious dot grid. 

  • Lined pages
    Two pages of lined freedom.

What to do with these 4 open front pages? Well, you can list out your ideal routines, meal ideas, color code keys, book & movie tracker, so much more, oh my!

Hourly PlannerBe sure to checkout the accessories section below for the magnetic bookmarks you can use for easy access to any of these front pages. 

Monthly Spread

The monthly spread also remains the same across the 3 main planners: hourly, daily, and weekly. I go into more details of the monthly layout on the 2024 Daily Sprouted Planner blog post, but here's the quick specs: 

  • Full month views (Sunday – Saturday) with lined boxes
  • Small reminders list to reference prep pages (Values, People, Reminders, Year List)
  • 9x36 Grid in front of the calendar
  • 10 to-do spaces with checkboxes, split into 2 columns of 5
  • Dot grid space

Hourly Planner

Hourly Layout

Finally, we get to see the baby. Do you want to hold it?!

Hourly Planner

With a Monday start, this weekly grid layout has a column for each day of the week. Saturday and Sunday get their own space. This was partly intentional, partly dictated by space. 

Each daily column has the following, in this order:

  • Date
  • Holiday (if applicable)
  • Space for daily intention or focus
  • Daily grid schedule from 5am - 10pm (there is no 'am' or 'pm' listed, so non-traditional schedulers can use too)
  • Boxed grid space for day-specific items (meal plan, top 3, gratitude, notes, etc.)

Each column is 30mm / 3cm / 1-2/8" wide. While 1.5" would have been ideal, it would have made the book even longer - not ideal. 

To the right of the week is a stack of 20 lines with square checkboxes. This can be used for to-dos or lists. There is space before the list where you could write in categories for your to-dos, color code, or itemize. Or just enjoy the glorious white space. 

Below the list is blank space for notes, doodles, or decoration. 

Lastly, the bottom-right corner holds a dot grid, intended for your weekly reflection. Since it's unlabeled, you can use it for anything - meal plan, preview to next week, habit tracker, or square game with your kid (just me?). 


Every month ends with a monthly reflection consisting of 5 questions, and 5 rapid-fire-fun-type questions. Two of the questions change every month and follow a general "theme" of the month that is only indicated by the quote on the monthly spread. 

The end-of-year reflection comes directly after the December reflection. I believe you will find the amount of questions perfect for this busy but important time of year. 

Hourly Planner

Back Pages

We could *almost* call this planner a notebook or journal by the number of pages in the back. Just for funsies, I mixed it up with lined pages and dot pages: 

  • Lined pages: 48
  • Dot grid pages: 13

Hourly Planner

Nestled before the last dot grid page is a sticker sheet with beautifully colored stickers: monthly square covers, flags, circles/dots, icons, and little sayings. 

Hourly Planner


Sticker Book

Speaking of stickers, if you love the ones that come with the planner, you'll absolutely want to grab the sticker book. The included sticker sheet is merely a glance into the larger offering. 

Hourly Planner

Magnetic Bookmarks

These cuties are perfect to mark your page. I've had many people request additional bookmarks so they can mark one of their front pages, especially their values. 

Hourly Planner

Mini Notebooks

 I swear these mini notebooks change in cuteness level depending on which planner they are paired with. They are adorable with the spiral bound, and even more with these book bound. 

They are a perfect companion to your planner. Matchy-matchy with your cover or mix and match. All the covers are designed to compliment each other, so you can't go wrong. 

Hourly Planner

Hourly Planner

Hourly Planner

 Who's excited?

I'm thrilled to offer these new planners, along with all the beautiful and functional accessories (more to be revealed next week). If you are someone who wished for something between the weekly and daily, I hope these are everything you were hoping for. 

Hourly Planner

