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2024 Monthly Planner Rundown

Don't tell the other legit planners, but this monthly planner MIGHT be my favorite. They are cute, compact, and have so many possibilities (without being overwhelming). 

The functionality is the beauty of these little guys. They can be used as stand alone planners, or paired with other planners/planning systems as supplemental. 

They are great paper options for those who mostly use online tools for their planning. They fit great in your purse/bag/backpackfor easy visuals when you don't want to take out your phone. 

As supplementals to your other planning systems, these monthly planners are great for:

  • Content planners. I personally use my monthly planner for this - laying out my social media posts, when I'll post to YouTube, when I'll send a newsletter, etc. I'll use the pages in between the months to brainstorm.

  • Medical trackers. If you and/or your family have frequent medical needs (doctors, dentists, therapists, chiropractor, etc.), these are a great way to keep track of the whens, wheres, whys, and what happeneds. Especially useful during tax time, when you need to summarize mileage and expenses.

  • Symptom trackers. Whether you want to track your mood, your cycle, or symptoms (like migraines), these will help keep this in order without the extra noise of your everyday planner. 

  • Meal planner. Why do we have to eat so much?! Nothing crumples me more than trying to figure out dinner at the end of a long day. Especially when kids are involved. Personally, my brain is much happier if I have my meals already planned out for the week. Bonus: bring your monthly planner to the store with you!

  • Exercise planning & tracking. Leg day. Arm day. Cardio. Major gains. Weigh-ins. I'm just rattling off things I've heard exercisey people say. In all seriousness, this will help layout and/or track your fitness needs. 

Those are a handful of ideas you can use your monthly planner for. They also make great little gifts. Pair it with a candle or journal, and voila - expert gift giver. 

Let's get into the nitty gritty details and features. 


Monthly Planner

Monthly Planner

Monthly Planner

Monthly Planner
Monthly Planner
Monthly Planner

    Monthly Features

    Beginning Pages

    • 2024 year-at-a-glance + holidays & observations
    • 3 different "blank" calendars (for future plans, tracking, etc.)
    • 2025 gap months + at-a-glance
    • 2 dot grid pages (1 spread)
    • 2 lined pages (1 spread)

    Monthly Planner

    Monthly Planner

    Monthly Planner

    Monthly View

    • Full month views with lined boxes
    • Traditional Sunday - Saturday calendar
    • Full gridded notes column prior to Sunday column
    • Previous and next month reference calendar

    Monthly Planner

    Notes View 

    In-between each month is 2 lined pages (1 spread). On the left of the page is a vertical margin line, which is the same thickness as the horizontal lines (but slightly lighter in color), indented 1/4 inches. This can be used as a checkbox for lists, or simply act as a margin. 

    Monthly Planner

    Back Pages

    Immediately after the December monthly spread is another notes view spread. This is followed by 7 lined notes pages (confusing, right?). These lined pages are different than the ones between each month.

    They are simple horizontal lines, with a thicker horizontal line on top (where you could write a subject on it - or not!). It's the same notes layout as the one in the front pages. 

    Can't Go Wrong

    At 68 pages and 1/4 inches thick, you can't go wrong with these little ladies. 

    Monthly Planner


